Our church family is part of a bigger family – the Brethren in Christ. One of the distinctives about the BIC is that we’re Anabaptist. Among other things this means we’re a peace church. Being a peace church means we proactively work for peace in a world of violence.

This begins on a personal/relational level and extends to how we view the world at large. We believe an important part of the gospel is that God is reconciling us to each other. God’s Kingdom is not just about us and God, but it’s about how we love one another. Therefore, we want to promote forgiveness and restoration interpersonally and also seek it on larger scales. We believe Jesus meant what he said when he commanded us to love our enemies.

You can learn more about the organizational body of the Brethren in Christ by visiting their website.

New service times - Sunday at 9 and 10:45 a.m.