Coming into a church for the first time can be kind of intimidating, but we don’t want it to be! Below are a series of Q&A we’ve found help people get a feel for LBIC before they step through the door.

Who goes there? What ages make up your church?
Gratefully, we are an intergenerational church – meaning that all the generations are represented pretty equally. We try our best to pay attention to what each generation has to offer. We seek to learn from the childishness of our kids and the wisdom of our older folks…and there are plenty of us in between!

What are your services like?
We like to include a variety of elements in our worship service. These things vary from week to week. We like to take time to listen for God through the teaching of Scripture. We communicate to God through prayer. We celebrate God for who he is and what he has done through songs of worship.

We receive communion every week because we believe Jesus gave it to us as a way to tangibly meet with him.

Each Sunday there is a message that looks to both understand the Bible and understand how our lives fit into the biblical story (notice it’s not the other way around). Click Here to go to the page containing our messages.

What should I wear?
Clothes! In all seriousness…we dress pretty casually.  

When are the service times?
9:00 and 10:45 a.m.

What about my children?
We have classes for all ages – Nursery thru Grade 6. Children can be dropped off at the nursery before each service. Pre-K thru Grade 6 stay with their parents for the music part of the service, and are dismissed for Kids Ministry during the Message time. Each child’s class has wonderful teachers and helpers who share the message of Jesus. FYI, we’ve got a good number of kiddos at LBIC, and we love it!


New service times - Sunday at 9 and 10:45 a.m.